Day 2 Op. Snooze

Enhancing Your Sleep Zzzone

It's Day 2 of the programme. How did you get on with yesterday's task?

Don't worry if you haven't got round to it. Although this is badged as a '7 day programme,' it's up to you how you work through it. The key is that you do work through it. Whether it takes you seven days or seven weeks, don't worry. 

Your Downloads for today:

Sleep Tip 2 (audio)

Sleep Tip 2 (audio)

Relaxation 2 (audio)

Relaxation 2 (audio)


Your task today:

Ok, so you are busy. The aim of these tasks is not to overwhelm you. Using my cabbage to sprouts analogy, remember that creating a great 'sleep zzzone' (the cabbage - the project), can be accomplished by chunking the project down into sprout sized tasks and habits. And then, sweating one or two of those sprouts at a time (completing the task, or habit).

So, with that in mind, I want you to start thinking about the following:

Identify the priority area to improve (from your sleep zzzone audit: de-clutter, light reduction, a more comfortable sleep environment). And focus on that one area. Make a start and, if time is pressing, treat it as a longer term project to gradually chip away (I call that chunking the cabbage into sprouts and sweating the sprouts).

1.De-cluttering: If there's a fair bit to do, then by all means embark on a de-clutter initiative, but if time is pressing, or you don't have the energy, at least create a place out of sight (a basket, box or drawer) to put those items that cause the clutter (laundry, clean clothes, toiletries, etc). Yes, they will need sorting out in due course, but if your priority is to make your sleep environment calmer and more tranquil then just get it out of sight for now.

2.Light reduction: What gadgets, TV's and digital displays do you have in your room? How well do your blinds or curtains block out light from the street? How bright is your room light or lamp? What can you do to remove gadgets and displays? Can you improve your blinds or curtains in terms of light blocking? Failing that - try an eye mask. Takes some getting used to but can really work wonders - and great for travel too. Replace bulbs with low glow lighting.

3.Sleep comfort: Could you treat yourself to some new bedding (a new mattress can be a great investment but obviously costly). What about replacing your pillows? I only recently discovered you can get pillows designed for side-sleepers - honestly there's a pillow for everyone out there! How about introducing some relaxing smells and sounds? It can sound a little frivolous, but there's a reason why hotels and spas make a big thing about your surroundings. It provides some great relaxation cues for your mind.