Midlife Health
Jump-Start BundLE
You are in the right place if you are a mid-lifer looking to get your sleep, health and energy back under your control and to finally start managing your weight in a sustainable way.
This success kick-start bundle is designed to provide you with some of the key insights, resources and guidance to help you:
Improve your sleep
Re-build your energy levels and reserves
Prepare for your health re-shape journey
Identify your ‘weight loss levers’
Devise your cabbage/slice and sprout initial plan
Get moving and dealing with setbacks and obstacles
Enter, the 1-2-3 Resource bundle:
1 - Audio
Let’s get straight into it by dealing with what is often the most problematic aspect of energy management - improving sleep. Access this 7-day sleep improvement audio programme (‘Operation Snooze - the 3 Zzzed’s to better Sleep’).
This programme is accessible via smartphone (Apple and Android App - ‘Soundwise’) and features 7 sleep relaxations, 7 sleep tips, downloadable e-book and infographic):
2 - PDF’s
These two documents will help you prepare and map out your re-shape journey. They will enable you to get started - no need for perfection. The information and activities contained in these e-books are designed to get you moving and to be worked on - they will evolve and change as you travel on your journey - and as you grow as a MidLife Re-Shape Academy member (watch the supporting videos below to support your planning):
3 - Video’s
These three videos have been developed to provide you with the understanding of the foundational principles, the weight loss tools and the tactics to deal with set-backs, self-sabotage (or as I call it ‘self-cabotage’) and managing your weight loss journey whilst addressing burnout.
An additional helpful video to help you understand and appreciate the cabbage and sprouts metaphor: