Give Yourself Some Emotional C.R.E.D.I.T.

Positive Emotional Coping

Welcome to the 'Positive Emotional Coping' Course.  This course aims to put you back in touch with your emotions - why we have them and how to manage them more positively.

This course will help you:

  • Understand the role your emotions play

  • Understand why they are difficult to ignore

  • Identify your own unhelpful emotional coping strategies

  • Learn six steps to more positively manage your emotions


Download the ‘Give Yourself Some Emotional C.R.E.D.I.T.’ Infographic




Module 1: Understanding Our Emotions

In this lesson we start to explore the role emotions play in our lives. They can be wonderful and also problematic and troubling. But they serve a purpose.

Module 2: How We Get Hooked By Our Emotions

In this lesson we explore the way in which we can so easily get hooked into negative behaviour by our emotions.

Module 3: Identifying Your Emotional Hooks and Bait

In this lesson we explore further the four most common types of emotional hooks and how we can recognise them in ourselves.

Module 4: Emotional C.R.E.D.I.T. Positive Coping Strategy

In this lesson, you will learn how to spot when you are struggling with stress and why this is the first critical step in regaining control.

Module 5: More Emotional Coping Tools

In this lesson, I share the remainder of the C.R.E.D.I.T. emotional coping model and more tips on how to more positively cope.

BONUS - Emotional coping videos 1

Check out the following weekly radish videos in which I expand on positive emotional coping... (and don't forget to download the infographic which summarises the key elements of the 'Give yourself some emotional CREDIT model.

BONUS - Emotional coping videos 2

BONUS - Emotional coping videos 3

BONUS - Emotional coping videos 4

Here's a couple of weekly radish videos exploring how to tackle those 'emotional vampires' that we encounter in life.  Let's face it, we all know at least one - they can suck the very marrow out of your soul if you don't protect yourself.  Ok, with tongue firmly in cheek whilst making a serious point, let's go:

BONUS - Emotional coping videos 5

BONUS - Emotional coping videos 6

Check out this series of weekly radish videos where i explore/ provide tips to cope more positively with life. There are 21 videos all five minutes or under.