dave algeo
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Dave Algeo, Coach

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Developing & Supporting Your People

Looking for a coach to support the growth of your people, developing their coping toolkit, leadership skills or supporting burnout prevention and recovery?

I have worked with thousands of people over decades, supporting their development and growth through facilitation and coaching, both on a group and one-to-one basis. As an MSc qualified coach, my work is rooted in academic rigour coupled with practical implementation and experience. Get in touch to discuss your needs.

I also work with individuals on a personal basis supporting the regaining of control over their health, weight and life. Check out Midlife Reshape for more on this

Areas of Coaching Support

Leadership Development

For many team leaders and managers, transitioning to more senior leadership roles can prove to be incredibly challenging as the realisation that what served them in their previous roles in the way of management strategies, are no longer appropriate for the new role. My one-to-one coaching can support the development of these skills, and shifting of mindsets to equip the manager with the skillset to more effectively lead.

Team Leader/ Manager Development

Moving into roles where supervision and management skills need to be developed can be challenging for many. Management training can be effective in supporting this. Coaching can accelerate the process by linking the learning with practical day to day managing.

Personal Development

In the ever-changing world of work the pressure to flex and adapt can lead to the need to develop new approaches to working from managing workload and time, focus, coping with stress, interacting and engaging with colleagues and more. My one-to-one and group coaching can really accelerate the development of these skills in the workplace, leading to more effective, well and engaged people.

Burnout Prevention and Recovery

For those individuals ‘knocking on the door of burnout’ or recovering from it, a person centred coaching approach can really transform the individual and their recovery. Having worked with individuals across many sectors from health, to criminal justice, higher education and corporate, my coaching is uniquely placed to support individuals in managing their burnout situation.

Get in touch to discuss how we can tailor a session to best support your needs and event themes.

Check out my testimonials from clients and examples of the topics I cover:

Cintra HR & Payroll Services

‘Dave Algeo returned to our Annual Conference this year and shared his ‘Are you Sweating the Right Sprouts?’ Session with our 150 strong audience.  He went down a storm, sharing practical tips in a fun and memorable way.  Comments from delegates included:

"LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT! Energised and fun!, “Excellent! Will take this back to the workplace” and “Loved this. Engaging and thought provoking. Made me think about how I can look after myself”

I would have no hesitation in recommending Dave as a speaker for your event or conference." 

Carsten Staehr, Chief Executive

Clients include:


“We asked Dave to deliver a session on managing personal resilience at our Mid-Year Department Head’s Conference. The aim of the conference is to reflect on past success and performance and focus on future challenges. Dave’s session was intended to encourage some reflection on managing the demands of the role in a multi-national environment and maintaining well-being. The short session proved to be a fantastic compliment to the main business. Dave’s ‘Stress CPR’ strategy and tools, along with his entertaining and engaging style proved a hit amongst my team and major talking point thereafter. I believe the resources provided during that session are helping my team perform more effectively, without forgetting the need to look after their own health and stress levels.”


“Dave, just wanted to let you know, I’ve heard back from the conference sponsor... Everyone is still buzzing and talking about your session. Even those who weren’t at the event!”


"Dave presented at the NEPG 2017 to teach postgraduate students how to stress less, a huge task! Nevertheless, Dave managed to have us all engaging with the talk and laughing through, with very helpful tips on looking after our inner radishes!"


Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, is a great opportunity for us to raise awareness and give our people the chance to invest in their own self-care and development.  To that end, we asked Dave Algeo to deliver a number of short sessions in our London and Newcastle Offices on stress and resilience.  Dave’s style is perfect for dealing with a potentially difficult topic.  His use of down to earth tools and strategies, a touch of humour and some memorable metaphors - I won’t forget the cabbages and sprouts for a long time - created a powerful and positive impact for our people.  The feedback from attendees at his session has been fantastic and it was great to see so many people leaving his sessions smiling and talking positively about the subject.  I would have no hesitation in recommending Dave and his hones, down to earth humorous approach to add some real value, positivity and impact to your events.’



Download PDF Brochure here:

Check out:

49 min webinar on social connections:

Check out Dave’s Speaker Showreel:

Video testimonials:

Learn more about Dave’s work: