Day 6 Op. Snooze
Getting better at this sleep thing
Welcome to Day 6. Well done for continuing your sleep Zzzenmaster apprenticeship. Today is about becoming better at this sleep thing and looking a bit wider than your actual sleep. Let's face it, it's life that often gets in the way of quality Zzzed's isn't it? So, today I want you to reflect on how you might help your sleep mechanism function more naturally.
You can read the text ahead and/or dive straight in by downloading the audio tip and audio relaxation for use today and tonight - so click on the download and read no further unless you want to dig a bit deeper.
Your Downloads for today:
Your task today:
Focus on one of the following areas and concentrate on developing a regular habit based on the suggestions:
1. Get up and Get out. It can be sooo tempting to hit snooze and stay snuggled up in bed. But, try setting your alarm 5-15 minutes earlier (no more than that) and, prime yourself the night before to get up when the alarm sounds. Then, get ready and try a 5-15 minute walk outside. Now, if I am veering a little too close to one of those 'miracle morning' type suggestions, please relax. I find those exhausting to read never mind try to implement. Nope, this is based on some interesting research (read below in optional if interested) which suggests that fresh air, daylight and a bit of activity is fantastic for kick starting your body's natural daily rhythms which can help later in the day when it comes to winding down on an evening.
2. Focus on some positive stress management and emotional coping. This compliments point 1 above, but is valuable in its own right. If you find that the demands of life and work lead you to feeling overwhelmed, and ground down, then it will inevitably have an impact on your sleep routines. Try dong some work on this area. And, I'm not called the stressed guru for nuffink you know. Check out my 'how to' page for more resources and free courses (including my 90 page e-book - 'Kick Stress in the Sprouts')
3. Exercising. Let's face it, we tend to sit more and move less these days. Try building in some regular activity. If exercise is a swear word, then think 'activity.' And do stuff you find fun as you will be more likely to do it frequently and for longer. If you can't manage the recommended 30 minutes in one go, chunk it down into ten minute time slots. If you can cover, the three S's, then all the better (Strength, Stamina and Suppleness) -obviously check with your doctor first especially if you have a medical condition that you are managing.