FAQ How Do I get Back On Track With My Goal?

How often have you found yourself falling off the wagon, veering off track with your goals or coming to a total standstill? It happens doesn't it. Especially if we embark with gusto on a new huge goal. We can often over estimate what we can actually do and under estimate the time it takes to get it done. As someone who has spent a lot of my life wrestling that 'all or nothing' drive, i've come to learn the power of reining myself back in and toning down the effort level in order to get back on with the business of achieving the goal. In this video, I share not only how to rein it in, but how to harness that huge drive to focus on the goal in a more powerful way.

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FAQ What makes Community so Important?

In this short snippet I share some thoughts on the power of community and an often under-appreciated aspect of it. We've all no doubt heard of the power of community and the importance to wellbeing, but sometimes it's important to specify why. when we find ourselves with negative news, outrage and divisiveness, there is one aspect of Community that can really uplift us. #coach #midlifecoach #midlifewomen #midlifemens #weightmanagement #weightloss #weightlossjourney

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FAQDave AlgeosleepComment