Grab the Mansprouts Manifesto here:

The ManSprouts Manifesto is aimed at raising the issue of silence amongst men on the topic of their own wellbeing. Lots of great work is being done in this area and i wanted to add my thoughts in the form of this document. Let’s face it - as blokes, we can KNOW what we SHOULD do when it comes to feeling low, trapped, crushed or lost, but taking that next step can be a challenge. if you are that person (and I have been and am, still a work in progress!), or know someone, then download the document and share with them - we need to shift our language around mental health - make it OK to not be ok and say that we are not ok. That is the first huge step towards feeling more OK, more often.

AND…While you are at it, why not get a 3 times weekly short video from me to remind you to focus on your wellbeing, provide a tip or a motivational or thought provoking quote:

Daily Sprouts by Email

Want a regular reminder to focus on you and your wellbeing? Then why not sign-up and receive my daily sprout videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday direct to your inbox? (They are only 30-45 seconds long - 1min max).

Check out some of the videos in the series below:


Here are some stress related videos in this playlist:

So get signed up to receive your daily sprout every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: