
Schools, Further and Higher Education

Dave has built a solid portfolio of work with staff and leaders in the Education sector. Clients include universities, colleges and school, including SEN. His policing background has served well to connect with audiences, providing credibility. His workshops and larger audience events leave attendees motivated and equipped to develop resilience and foster wellbeing, whether personally or within the teams they lead.

Get in touch with Dave to find out more. Download Dave’s sector specific information pack below:

Testimonials include:

University of Nottingham

‘Having experienced Dave’s sessions in my former NHS career, I was keen to engage him for the HR teams at the University.  I find myself regularly using the tools Dave provided and felt they, and his engaging, fun and thought provoking sessions, would work well.  As a result, Dave delivered a great series of sessions to the teams and feedback has been great.  Comments included:

            "I thought the session was great – I liked the different ways of making a point (plus I was a huge fan of Cracker Jack as a kid). The tips were really easy to remember and Dave showed real authenticity in his delivery.”

If you are part of an organisation or team facing the challenges of change and increasing demands and want a great speaker or trainer to work with your people in a down to earth, practical and engaging way, then I would recommend getting in touch with Dave.’  

Lorna Lord, Head of HR Business Partnering, University of Nottingham.

Dales School, Blyth

‘Dave presented his ‘developing resilience, enhancing wellbeing’ keynote at our annual conference and it was brilliantly received.  Pitched at the audience perfectly, Dave came across as knowledgeable, genuine and down to earth.  His use of humour and metaphors (the cabbages and sprouts!) were such a fantastic way of landing the key messages and providing delegates with practical tools to use in day to day life and work.

Comments from delegates were overwhelmingly positive and included:

"Engaging and excellent strategies for supporting wellbeing."

"Amazing! Really passionate about his subject which shone through."

"Made a very heavy subject light-hearted and informative using humour which aided memory."

I would have no hesitation in recommending Dave to make your conference or event memorable and leave delegates equipped and focused on their wellbeing and performance.’

Elaine O’Connor, Teaching School Alliance Coordinator

Durham University

"As a leading university, we recognise the importance of developing personal resilience within our staff and teams in order to achieve excellent performance and personal effectiveness. Dave Algeo has, for several years now, successfully delivered his 'Stress CPR' workshops and masterclasses which have been open to staff from all departments and disciplines. His workshops are always well attended and the feedback is extremely good. I have no doubt that Dave's work is contributing to individual wellbeing and helping to positively influence the engagement culture which is developing at the University."

Sophie Sowerby, Training & Development Manager

'Dave ran a workshop for a group of Year 11 students who wanted help with managing their stress, particularly around exams and revision. The workshop was a great opportunity for the students to identify what does stress them out and how they can manage this with practical tips. The session was both enjoyable and interactive but also really informative. We received excellent feedback from the students who were able to develop personally, taking the skills they learnt forward which will be useful not just for their upcoming exams but throughout many aspects of their lives.‘

Melanie Holmes,  Assistant Access  Officer at Durham University

Northumberland County Council Schools & Academies

'We asked Dave Algeo, the Stress(ed) Guru, to develop a workshop for the leaders in our schools and academies across Northumberland.  The aim was to develop an understanding of stress and help those leaders to develop resilience and raise performance and wellbeing, personally and in their teams and staff.  Dave delivered two great workshops that did just that and the feedback from the delegates, including Head and Deputy Head Teachers and Business Managers, was excellent.

Comments included:

This was an excellent session.  It helped me understand the issues of stress and how to better manage this personally and professionally”

 “Thought the delivery of this session was excellent and it provided me with some much needed reflection time and space to decide how to use these strategies back in school’

Suzanne Hendey, HR Manager Schools/ Academies, Northumberland County Council

Get in touch with Dave:

Dave’s Approach:

Event Showreel: