Overcoming Stress and Writer's Block

Tips and Strategies to Overcome Writer's Block

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This week sees the start of a new blog series looking a how stress can impact on our productivity, particularly in relation to writing.  Whether you are working on a book, a project, essay, report or generally needing to wade through a load of writing type work (emails, and the like), then this series will help you to both understand and overcome stress and writer's block.  Not writing but have problems getting started with other tasks?  Read on.  Replace writer's block with any of form of ...block and these tips could well help you.

We will be looking at:

So, watch out for tomorrow's blog, the first instalment

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo

Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Feeling lost, trapped or crushed by life? Here's a short video with three tips to help you get back a sense of hope and direction.