Client Case Studies and Testimonials

Check out my client case study videos below. If short on time, jump into the ‘snippet’ videos or get in touch to find out more


“I needed help and that led me to look Dave up who I had known for many years, respected and had lots of interesting conversations and someone I knew I felt comfortable with talking and I knew this was his speciality, so I made contact with Dave”

Graeme’s Snippets:


You can listen to more of Graeme’s story and thoughts on his own journey on episode 74 of the Restless Midlifer podcast:


“I used to watch garbage on TV and I look how far I’ve come… And that's thanks to Dave and my own hard work”


You can listen to more of Elaine’s story and thoughts on his own journey on episode 67 of the Restless Midlifer podcast:

Get in touch with me to arrange an initial 15 minute call to see if this programme is for you.

In this programme you will focus on three key areas:

Re-focus On Your Health

Getting lost in the day to day demands of a full on mid-life is so easy and it can be at the cost of our health, weight, fitness and other life goals.

You will develop a sustainable, motivational plan to get your health and weight back on track and even inspire you to follow bigger health ambitions and goals.

Re-Align Your Mindset and Motivation

Dealing with the stresses and strains of day to day life can take its toll on your coping reserves, motivation and self-confidence.

You will shift stubborn self-sabotaging stories, regain control over your emotions, stress and strain and discover a deeper well of resilience and motivation to after bigger goals.

Re-Design You and Your Life

Building routines, rituals and habits that can be sustained in the face of life and all its demands. You will create a health architecture that will provide the foundation for reshaping you, your health, weight and confidence in your own skin.

You will find a sense that you can achieve so much more than you ever thought possible.

I started wild camping on the top of mountains and none of this stuff I would have ever dreamed that I would do. It’s just been life changing. I’ve lost five stone, got really into sport including power lifting and open water swimming.
— Elaine, Lawyer

Need to know more? Then get in touch below or check out the FAQ page.

Things that you thought you wouldn’t be able to overcome, suddenly you can step outside yourself and deal with it. I’ve refocused on my health, reduced stress dramatically, lost 3.5 stone, have more energy and business focus and control.
— Graeme, People & Carbon Strategy Development