Beating Burn-out and Building A Life as a Best-selling Author

Confidence Credentials Podcast - Episode 2

In episode of 2 of the Confidence Credentials Podcast, a collaboration with friend and MD of men’s outfitters Master Debonair, Simon Whitaker. we interview the awesome best-selling author Owen Ryan.

Owen shares his story of shifting from corporate radio and working in Australia to returning to England, burn-out and making the life-changing decision to pursue his dream of becoming a professional writer.

It’s a great interview and Owen shares some brilliant insights into living a more balanced and fulfilled life (show notes below). If you enjoy it, then get subscribed by visiting the show at Spotify or on You Tube.

Show Notes

Episode 02: Owen Ryan

In this episode of Confidence Credentials, we delve into the fascinating life journey of Owen Ryan. Previously a prominent figure in the world of radio and entertainment across the UK and Australia, Owen evolved his career trajectory, transitioning from a successful radio career to becoming a full-time novelist. Join us as we explore his transition, discussing the inspiration behind his shift and his experiences in crafting gripping thrillers.

Main Discussion Points:

  • Owen Ryan's extensive career in radio and entertainment

  • The decision and motivation to shift from radio to become a novelist

  • Insights into the creation of the Detective Jane Phillips series

  • Owen's mission to captivate readers with exciting, fast-paced thrillers

Guest Information:

Owen Ryan (OMJ Ryan): Best-selling author of the Detective Jane Phillips series. With a background spanning two decades in radio and entertainment, Owen ventured into the world of thrilling storytelling to captivate readers worldwide.

For the books

For the coaching

Simon Whitaker is CEO of Master Debonair, a menswear retailer.

Dave Algeo is a coach, speaker and writer on achieving success with wellbeing (rather than at the expense of it). He regularly coaches clients on how to regain control over their health and weight and make sustainable changes in their lifestyle and how they feel about themselves - improving sleep, emotional coping, inner-confidence and getting more from life. Dave regularly speaks to groups and audiences about positive coping and putting stress in its place - His phrase 'are you sweating the right sprouts,' has led him to be labelled the 'sprout-guy' in some quarters. Connect with Dave and learn more about his work at

A final request: If you have enjoyed the show, please do spread the word and share your favourite episodes with friends and anyone you think would benefit. It would also mean a lot if you could leave us a review and a rating on your podcast feed of choice.

Produced by Bernardo Soares.

The music used in the podcast is credited with thanks to Logan Nicholson of Music for Makers,