Dealing with Fear - just breathe

Handling nerves under pressure

Part three of this four part interview with presentation genius Simon Raybould, explores the power of our breathing.  Not just in keeping us alive, but in helping us manage our nerves under high stress or fear.

Simon is the author of many books, his most recent (due out this coming 30th July 2015), 'Presentation Genius' contains a wealth of information, tools and strategies to help you become a better presenter.

To pre-order his book visit -  or via amazon:


Part 4 tomorrow in which Simon talks about the power of anchoring when it comes to coping with our fear.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo

Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Asking yourself 'is this it?'  Have you got to a point in life where, despite working hard and building a 'great life' you still feel there's got to me more?  Here's a short video with three tips to help you get back a sense of hope and direction.