Improve focus

Weekly Radish 24

Three facts you need to know about maintaining focus under stress

Do you ever find yourself struggling to hang onto your attention, focus and concentration when stress mounts? We all do, and we often fall into the ‘failing focus’ trap. Watch this week’s video and learn the truth about focus and how to more naturally regain focus under stress.  In the video I explain my "three R's" of focus.  I highlight the importance of working with your stress response, not against it.  So often, we start to beat ourselves up when we find we are losing focus under pressure.  We expect such a lot from ourselves and often, we are just not realistic. 

This video is a reminder to us all to give ourselves ‘permission to be human’ (a great phrase from the author of ‘Happier’ Tal Ben Shahar). Work with, not against your natural response under stress.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo,
Stress(ed) Guru Speaker, trainer and 'Men's Burnout+ Coach (coaching from burnout to break-through)
Helping you create success with (not at the expense of) wellbeing.