Stress and Alcohol

Do you drink Alcohol to relive stress?

alcohol problems and stress can be a big problem

If so, then this interview is worth listening to. 

I regularly find the subject of alcohol consumption arising in the workshops I deliver.  It is understandable since many have of have developed habits around drinking which may well be adding to our stress rather than relieving it.

I had the opportunity to speak to Kieron Brady, former professional footballer and now head of CICI (Celebrate Identity, Challenge Intolerance  Kieron shares his experience with alcohol.  As a 'recovering alcoholic,' of many years now, Kieron gives us a valuable insight into how alcohol has impacted his own life.  He also shares his perspective on the difference between alcoholism and 'problematic drinking.' 

The two are not the same, and whilst you will find the interview insightful, it might also provoke some personal reflection.  

If you feel that alcohol is or is becoming a prpblem for you, there is help out there.  A search on the internet will reveal local support groups.  You can visit your own GP (Doctor) or access Support Networks such as Alcohol Concern, or Alcoholics Anonymous.  The NHS also have some useful information on their 'NHS Choices' website.

Kieron's Linked in page is well worth a visit for more information on the topics here presents to group.

And, don't forget, there are so many more positive ways of coping and managing stress without depending on alcohol.  Check out my blog Top 10 Tips for reducing your Tipple - Drink less alcohol and improve your health

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo

Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Asking yourself 'is this it?'  Have you got to a point in life where, despite working hard and building a 'great life' you still feel there's got to me more?  Here's a short video with three tips to help you get back a sense of hope and direction.