The Drive to Overdo and Burnout

MidLifer Chronicles 12

Riding the Motivation Wave

So last week, whilst hectic was productive and I managed consistent training over the week. That I think is down to being fired up for the year and having a looming fitness deadline - the crossfit competition. It's amazing how that can really focus the mind. There were two occasions where I was toying with skipping the training only to think about that competition coming up. It got me to the gym and I feel better for it. I wonder what will happen after that competition? Hmmm, I do have the Kielder Marathon in October to train for thanks to my son Thomas talking me into it. So I am guessing that goal will keep me focused. I have just returned to the local running club - Washington Running Club today (Sunday) for my first group run. That feels good.

The Drive to Overdo

One thing I do need to be careful with is my tendency, when motivation is high, to go for it and, yes, overdo things. It's hard when you feel that wave of motivation, to maintain a sense of pace. I want to go for it. But I know from past experience that that is faulty thinking rooted in 'make the most of it, before it runs out' mentality. In the past that has been an issue, because I relied on motivation to get me out the door to train, or eat right or whatever.

Now I have come to realise, as I have covered in previous chronicles, that I need to plan for non-motivation. I need to devise my commitments and habits based on the lower bar of 'not wanting to' or 'not feeling it' and ensure what I plan is what will I WILL ACTUALLY DO at those times.

The Power of Your Routines and Rituals

It reminds me of this great quote from James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits (a great book by the way):

'You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems'

How true is this?

In my experience more true than I want to acknowledge. This has been me for far too long, and only really in the last couple of years have I come to embrace the power of the systems. And what are the systems? They are the sprouts we plan and do sweat day to day. They are the subroutines of things we do day in day out with minimal thought. They are, for example what you do when you wake up and for the next half hour - what is that routine? Is it serving the goal or undermining it?

So, whilst I have enjoyed the wave of motivation, I am doing so on the back of some more solid routines and rituals. And whilst they are not perfect, whilst I am not perfect, they work more than they don't. When they don't, I examine and tweak, change and keep 'Doing the Do like Betty Boo.'

The Work to do?

My job now is to stay as consistent as I can acknowledging that life will require flexibility of me. My job is to restrain my enthusiasm and not over-train. My job is to trust the systems and continue to 'Do the Do.' My job is to take time to acknowledge that I'm doing canny and I am canny and to appreciate the moments in life that can often pass me by when I am busy planning, dreaming, scheming or beating myself up for not being good enough.

In a nutshell, as my brother likes to say 'Chill Oot and Gan Canny.'

So, my question this week is, how did last week go? And irrespective of how it went, what can you continue to do this week to move you closer to your goal, whilst also taking the pressure off yourself?

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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