Posts tagged weight loss
Nothing to See Here

This week I don't have much, if anything to report on my own journey. And maybe that in itself is worthy of note.

Perhaps the nature of taking the longer route in achieving sustainable change is likely to have a fair bit of 'nothing to report?'

Maybe the fact that it isn't full of huge action, amazing effort and big results week in week out, means that we can undervalue the slow and steady?

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Recognising Approaching Burnout

I've had to take a step back from the level of training I have been doing and no it wasn't as a result of some inner wisdom, it was as a result of another small injury. This time to my left calf as I did some skipping at Crossfit yesterday. I felt it twang a little as I jumped up and down and then knew I needed to stop. I completed the workout by switching the ropes for the bike and managed to continue but I had that old feeling of 'come on Dave man, you knew this was coming.'

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Don't Overdo it Dave!

This week I'm catching myself back up after half-term. Rosie is back to school (or was until the call from the school today) and I'm now tackling a lot of the tasks I need to catch up on.

I also didn't get a lot of training done. Partly due to being knackered from the unexpected 9 mile run last Sunday, partly due to a trip to London to speak for a client and partly due to Rosie being off.

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