FAQ How Do I Deal With an Unpredictable and Messy Life?


Staying on track with weight loss

I've missed that planned training session because I just couldn't be arsed. I've had five hobnobs with my cup of coffee!

And my daughter's school has just rang to say she is not well and needs picking up. It's time like this that remind me, that the aim is not perfect...

The aim is progress.

Life gets messy doesn't it? As a recovering perfectionist, I can so relate to the feeling that one unexpected change, meal mess up or missed walk/ run/ training session means I've blown it.

Getting used to having a plan and things largely not going according to plan. That can be uncomfortable and can lead to a lot of what I call 'self-cabotage' (self-recrimination, feelings of defeat, etc).

For midlifers, part of creating sustainable change in health, and in fact in any goal, is to learn to handle these feelings, become more comfortable with 'messy progress' and keep moving forward. In this week's video I share a thought on how to regroup when there's a hiccup in the plan

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer' It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com