Building Healthy Habits Sustainably

The Restless Midlifer : Episode 57

In this episode, Dave continues with the deep-dive mini-series on reshaping our midlife health. It's time to look at how to embed healthier habits that move us towards our health goals - Find out how to 'reconfigure' your healthy habits, rituals and routines.


Episode 32 ‘Reshaping Midlife finances’ (

Episodes 34 and 35 where I outline my current health focus - 'Op Demoob’ and 

Dave Algeo is a Restless Midlifer, searching for answers and adventure. His mission, should you choose to join him, is to seek out ways to get life back on his terms, heading in a more fulfilling direction and enhancing his health in the process. Dave is a writer, coach, and constantly curious person, striving to encourage others to live big - by identifying the small but significant things that can transform the life we are living. Join Dave as he explores how to regain the spirit of adventure and childlike curiosity whilst managing the "grown-up" responsibilities of life.

Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, is rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

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