Building your Health goals for 2023 - The 5 Pillars of Health - Interview with Rachel Williams

The Restless Midlifer : Episode 89

It's episode 89 and I mark the new year with a great interview with  Rachel Williams , owner of Zest Lifestyle and employee wellness consultant. Rachel has a great midlife transformation story relating to shifting from a high stress, high octane corporate job costing her health, to a refocus on wellbeing and shares her approach to improving health of clients. This is a great episode to support your reflections and planning on making 2023 a bit healthier than 2022. I also share my thoughts on working towards our goals by ditching the focus on quality.

Rachel has been in the health sector for the past 20 years and runs employee wellness consultancy Zest Lifestyle. She loves inspiring and supporting organisations and individuals with their mental and physical health.

Her business is based on 5 Pillars of Health or Vitality – Eat, Move, Sleep, Think and Pause.

Zest Lifestyle delivers live sessions either onsite or online, health consultations and health mentoring.

A new health platform is coming soon for employee wellness programmes, check out - You can connect with Rachel at:

Instagram: @zest_lifestyle


Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, is rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

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