Working Happy; Making work healthier - Interview with Greg Ketner

The Restless Midlifer : Episode 91

It's episode 91 and I share my 'Frazzles Insight' and explore how the power of deliberate distraction can help reduce the number of those lapses that can undermine our goals. I am delighted to be joined by  Greg Ketner , founder of 'Work Happy.' Greg is based in Walla Walla, Washington in the US and uses his stand-up comedy skills to support organisations in developing a happier work culture. Greg shares his back story and some great insights from his own research into developing happier and more positive work cultures. He also has a fantastic  TedX talk  that I urge you to check out. It's funny, poignant and powerful.

Greg Kettner is a TEDx Speaker and Happiness Coach who helps organizations to WorkHappy so they can boost revenue, lower employee turnover and foster a culture of mindfulness around mental health.

Such organisations as S.A.P, Coca-Cola, Ford, RE/MAX, iCIMS and Traction Guest have consumed his keynote "The Power of Laughter" which motivates and inspires audiences all over the world to be their best selves. His passionate stories will engage you, make you laugh and touch a tender part of your heart as well.

Over his 27-year sales career, he has sold over $12 million in products and services for such companies as Business Objects, BuildDirect, the Vancouver Canucks and a small shoe company (long pause) named (pause) Nike.

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Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, is rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

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