Developing a Fire-proof 'Goal Getting' Plan For 2022

The Restless Midlifer Episode 34 : The ambitious, flexible and experimental approach

In this episode, Dave encourages you to pick back up those New Year Resolutions or dusty dreams and develop a flexible plan that can withstand the uncertainties and realities of a demanding life. Dave also shares (a little reluctantly) his own goal for 2022 - 'Operation DeMoob' - listen to find out more.

Dave Algeo is a writer, coach, trainer and speaker empowering others to live big, by identifying the small but significant things that can transform the life we are living. Join Dave as he explores how to regain the spirit of adventure and childlike curiosity whilst managing the grown-up responsibilities of life.

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Episode 35 Teaser:

In Episode 35 Dave anticipates some questions listeners might have about his approach and his 'Operation DeMoob' plan for 2022. He addresses these and provides more insight and detail regarding his own '1-3-3' plan