Looking Backward To Move Forward Into 2022

The Restless Midlifer Episode 33 : Learning the lessons of 2021 to Achieve goals in 2022

In this episode, Dave is joined by Geoff Nicholson whom regular listeners will know. In this short episode we consider how to reflect on last year - the wins, the losses, the lessons and use this to plan our year ahead to achieve our goals despite the uncertainty and the demands of life and work

Geoff Nicholson is a performance and mindset expert working with high achievers and business owners, supporting them in reaching their full potential and creating exceptional results in life and business.

He has worked in supporting sufferers of chronic stress conditions and burnout, all over the world, using is own unique experiences and training to support them in healthy recover and returning back to work.

His podcast is listened to in 35 countries and often appears in the top 50 of his category. Connect with Geoff at Www.geoffnicholson.co.uk, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube is @geoffnicholsonuk

Dave Algeo is a writer, coach, trainer and speaker empowering others to live big, by identifying the small but significant things that can transform the life we are living. Join Dave as he explores how to regain the spirit of adventure and childlike curiosity whilst managing the grown-up responsibilities of life.

Search for 'Restless Midlifer' in your favourite podcast feed. To find out more about the podcast, and episode show notes visit www.restlesmidlifer.com. To learn more about Dave's in-person and online events go to www.stressedguru.com. Drop Dave a line at dave@restlessmidlifer.com to ask questions, offer feedback or suggestions for future podcast content.

Additional Links :-

Way of Life App: https://wayoflifeapp.com/

Five Minute Journal App: https://www.intelligentchange.com/products/five-minute-journal-app

Geoff Nicholson’s Article - ‘Reflect on Last Year Before Planning for the Next One’ - can be found on Linked in at - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/geoffnicholsonuk_successiq-mindset-goalsetting-activity-6884137063923404800-2no0

Episode 34 Teaser:

In Episode 34 Dave shares how developing a plan routed in habits and routines can help us develop a more 'fireproof' achievement plan AND, he shares his own plan for 2022, revealing a little more than he feels comfortable doing.