Want To's and Have To's

daily sprout 494

Todays' daily sprout  transcript:

The want tos and the have tos.

I often think in terms of the things I want to have or do in life and the things I have to do in life. Let's be right, it's made up of both. The challenge is and I think the temptation is that we get so bothered by life at times that we just forget the want tos and we end up just doing what we have to do and we give up on the want tos. The thing is, there'll always be have tos.

The way that I like to look at it is how do I align the have tos so that I can end up doing the want tos. You'll always have things you have to do, but never lose sight of the direction you want to go and the things you want to achieve. If you can align your have to dos with the things you want to dos, you're more likely to achieve them.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'