Wine, Chocolate and Energy

MidLifer Chronicles 25

A Little Too Much Wine

I am writing this a few days after the Easter weekend and reflecting on a nice relaxed break which contained a little too much wine. I've eased into the running and over the weekend, took some downtime to chill and have the family over for a meal on the Easter Sunday.

I do enjoy making a meal for family and friends although they may not find my efforts so enjoyable. I'm an 'ok' cook. But one thing I do like to do and, thankfully these occasions are rare for this reason only, is to crack open a few beers or have some wine as I cook and prep. I now more often have beer as for some reason I can better absently track how much I've had and that seems to help me stay on the right side of a thick head the next day.

But this Sunday I fancied some white wine. So off I popped to the shop and bought a bottle of white and red (for guests of course). The trouble is, wine just goes down too easily and by the time the meal was ready to serve I had had the bottle of white and was moving onto the red.

Now before you go thinking I got plastered and made an a$@e of myself, I didn't. Not this time anyway. But over the course of the afternoon and evening I did quaff two bottles of wine.

Given that I don't drink wine very much now, that put me into 'feeling very rough the next morning' territory.

I slept badly and woke very thick headed and my planned run didn't happen. No surprise there.

No Longer Beating Myself Up

Now, I could have spent the day beating the hell out of myself for being a this or that and feeling thoroughly miserable. But, apart from feeling rough, I chose to learn from it and move on.

I reminded myself of the reason I generally avoid wine (maybe the odd social glass when out), and focused on surviving till bedtime and then getting a good night's sleep.

It's those times, that remind me I have come a long way. Although I have never had a serious drink problem, events like this, combined with harsh self-criticism, would often spin me off whatever good intentions I had and into days or weeks of not treating myself well and being 'off-plan.'

And that's really the key lesson here. It's ok to enjoy yourself, and it's ok to fall off the plan. The key is to recognise old programming that might seek to use that as an excuse and focus on getting back to it.

I Like it Now

The truth is, I like a celebration. Every now and then. But I like even more, feeling clear headed, healthier and feeling up to exercise and getting on with life.

I used to see exercise and healthier options as a 'have to' rather than a 'want to.' Now I see them as an "I get to do this.' I get to choose.' And sometimes I will choose a chill out with family and a few beers.

No Energy

What was interesting too, was that when I returned to crossfit on Tuesday and Wednesday, I had no energy. It shows that a heavy session can impact energy levels several days after. I still did the workout, since it's the effort that counts, and am looking forward to a break from alcohol and enjoying the exercise.

Yes, I, Dave Algeo, actually said that (that would have been unheard of a few years back).

My question to you is - How are you treating yourself when you lapse or have a day or two off the plan? Treating yourself with some kindness isn't about being soft. It is all about not contributing to the negative feelings that are more likely to turn the lapse into a relapse and lead to you undoing the good work. For every so called failure, there can be a lesson and a return to the plan. Get back to sweating those sprouts.Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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