Picking up and Cutting Down

MidLifer Chronicles 24

Kicking Off the Marathon Training

I've officially started the marathon training trail. A few weeks before the 25 week programme I have from the local running club, but it feels good to make a start. Especially after the last few weeks of feeling lethargic and de-motivated.

As I have written previously, i think that was just a consequence of training hard and then expecting to continue without actually giving myself a decent rest. So it was kind of enforced but it has done me good. That said, the labelling that arises from the self-cabotage has not been quiet. I have found myself critical of my 'laziness,' 'being pathetic' and all manner of abuse.

Dealing with the Self-Sabotage

I'm a bit more of an old hand when it comes to dealing with this but what is interesting is just how much more potent this self-cabotage can feel when tired. That's often the real red flag for many of us. We can develop the tools to manage the self-criticism and even muster that self-compassion, but when tired, or exhausted, this can feel near impossible.

I found over the last few weeks, that just repeating to myself 'trust the process Dave'. Have faith.' That's been tricky but it has kept me from the excesses of self-cabotage. In short I have handled it better than previously and maybe that's all we need to do.

Better Not Perfect

Do a bit better than before rather than expect perfect.

So, having navigated my way rather messily thought the tiredness and self-cabotage I find myself raring to go, if carrying a couple extra pounds of weight. The temptation now is to go all in and cane it.

This is quite a common phenomenon and one you might recognise and it is the potential trigger for the see-saw and the yo-yo. It needs to be avoided.

I often talk with clients about this. A bad few days or a couple of weeks, can often lead to a renewed sense of having to make up for lost time and ground.

And isn't that the challenge always. We try to solve it with the old ways. Why? Because the new way - the slow and steady, just get back on with the plan and the basics can require a reigning in of our enthusiasm and application of patience.

I am there right now. I know the correct path to take. And yet I want so much to go down the old, 'all or nothing' route.

That's where keeping these chronicles (or a journal, or having a coach helps. Taking stock and 'catching ourselves on' is an essential part of the journey.

Permission to be human - I want to 'cane it' but I will take these moments to reflect on my 'cabbage, slice and sprout plan' - make some tweaks and get back to it.

So, as a reminder, here is my plan (copied fro previous chronicles):

The Cabbage (the goal):

To get Op DeMoob done (i.e. lose the man-boobs)

The Slices (the three focus areas):

Slice 1 Activity and Exercise:

  1. Crossfit 3-5 times per week

  2. Run 3 times per week (building up for the marathon)

  3. 5 mins Stretching before each session

Slice 2 Food and Diet:

  1. No Beer on a school night (work in progress!)

  2. Increase daily protein intake (include every meal)

  3. Increase fruit and veg intake (more fibre and contribute to protein)

Food policy 1 - I can have a treat but only with and after a meal and if genuinely not full

Food policy 2 - No snacking - see policy 1.

Slice 3 Rest & Recuperation:

  1. No devices 30 mins before bed - out of the room

  2. Stick to pre-zzzedtime routine - read, then listen to relaxing audio to help sleep

  3. Reduce hydration late afternoon and evening to reduce 'awakenings' (i.e. need to get up and go to the loo).

So, reviewing the above, there are clearly some things that haven't happened and maybe are unrealistic.

Here are some tweaks:

Crossfit (slice 1) 3 x times a week - don't put pressure on to do more as the running is both energy and time consuming

No Beer on a School Night (slice 2) - I've found a reasonable low alcohol (not no alcohol) beer that is an option if I just get the fancy.

No Devices 30 mins before bed (slice 3) - ok so just not working. I have modified to removing social, news and email from my phone (they are on my iPad if I really need to check) - and allowing things to naturally reduce - there's nowt to look at now!

So, rather than a huge all out transformation, I am working with what I have set out and what I know works and making some tweaks where required.

My focus is getting back to the consistency.

My question to you is - Where are you with your own goals? If you have drifted, then rather than being hard on yourself and going all out (something not sustainable) get back to reviewing your original plan. Where does it need tweaking? Is it too grand and unsustainable? If so, shrink down some of the expectations. And then get back to sweating those sprouts.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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