Using your peripheral vision - to reduce stress

Managing nerves under pressure

Part 1 of a four part video interview

One of the frequent requests I get in my workshops, is how to cope more effectively when feeling under pressure in the moment.  In particular, how to deal with our nerves when they threaten to overwhelm us in the face of a challenging situation.  I particularly enjoy this aspect of sharing tips and advice, because it is something I HAD to learn in my past as a police officer.  I have had my own confidence issues and have worked hard to learn how to cope better and keep performing under significant stress.

So, I am excited to share with you an interview with Dr Simon Raybould who, amongst other things, specialises in helping others deliver 'perfect presentations'.  A key part of his work is helping others to manage their nerves when it comes to presenting

As you will find from this series of videos (I have broken the interview into four parts), these tools are not only useful for public speaking.  They can be invaluable at other times of high stress.

In today's video, we meet Simon and learn his first tip - using the power of our peripheral vision to manage our fear.

Simon is the author of many books, his most recent (due out this coming 30th July 2015), 'Presentation Genius' contains a wealth of information, tools and strategies to help you become a better presenter.

To pre-order his book visit -  or via amazon:

I hope you enjoy this video.  Part 2 tomorrow.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo
Motivational Speaker on resilience and men's mental health. 

Feeling maxed out?  No headspace, time or energy? Here's a short video with three tips to help you.