What If Worries - Tackling the Anxiety That Comes From Uncertainty

After delivering a series of sessions on both positive coping and sleep improvement, one thing that has become apparent is just how the uncertain times we are experiencing (at time of writing the easing of the COVID19 restrictions and the unknowns this presents), are creating anxiety in many of us.

I have found that we can become preoccupied and weighed down by what I call, the ‘What if Worries.’ ‘What if this happens,’ ‘What I lose…’, What if my parent catches COVID’ and so on.

These are genuine worries and it is important not to minimise the impact of the worries in a bid to reassure ourselves or others. But, how do we deal with them?

Well, in the video below, I share a ‘self-coaching’ tool to help. One thing is for sure, allowing these worries to grind us down is not the best approach. Neither is avoidance. So, I share a pragmatic, constructive approach to tackling the ‘what if worries’ and reduce the anxiety they can create.

Let me know your thoughts and how you tackle these worries.


Dave Algeo, Stress(ed) Guru

Speaker, trainer and 'Men's Burnout+ Coach (coaching from burnout to break-through)


Helping you create success with (not at the expense of) wellbeing.