Memory Test

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Today's Daily Sprout: Memory Test! | daily sprout 419 Sign-up to get the Daily Sprout direct to your inbox: Transcript: - Memory test. Now, it's interesting this because it is important sometimes to just stop and just think back to where you were this time last year, or this time six months ago, even two, three, years ago. Because in reality, we have worries and challenges going on all the time. Can you remember what it was, this time last year that you were worrying, or chewing, or stressing over? If you can, then my guess would be, it would be something that was significant and worthy of action and attention. If you can't, doesn't it just go to show that much of what we stress over is forgotten about within days, weeks, or inevitably, years. Make the Daily Sprout part of your daily routine. Sign up at and claim your free Ebook, 'Emergency Stress CPR'. My six steps to putting stress in its place.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'