FAQ - Am I Really this Lazy and Useless?


Listen More and Label Less

So, it's the Easter hols this week and next and I've taken a few days off. Headed up to Cragside in Northumberland for the day yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. But, I did feel a little guilt. 'I should be working.' and 'I'm just being lazy aren't I?'

Now these thoughts arose from old self-cabotage but just go to show how sticky they can be. I dealt with them but it got me thinking...

Sprout-sized food for thought:

The power of labelling to undermine achieving your health goals. The past version of Dave would have allowed that label of 'lazy' to stick and it would have achieved two things. The first and perhaps most obvious, to add to the weight of self-criticism (cabotage) that would burden me day in day out - not great. The second, perhaps less obvious; it allowed me to avoid digging into the truth and underlying causes of so called 'laziness'. In this week's video I share some thoughts on labelling and how it can short-cut the harder work of listening - to ourselves, not to mention others. In short, when we label more we listen less. I offer some thoughts on how to use this very human tendency to help you develop greater insight into the real drivers and causes of you not achieving your goals

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Dave Algeo

Midlife Health and Weight Management Coach

Reclaim your Health, Life and Sense of Adventure in Midlife and Beyond

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer' It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com