FAQ - How Do I Avoid Eating the Whole Box Of Chocolates (or biscuits)?


What I learned from ‘After Eight-Gate’

I've been thinking this week about binge eating, especially since Easter is almost upon us and that signals Chocolate Eggs of all varieties, my favourite being the Cadbury's Dairy Milk Buttons Egg. What's yours? It's interesting how the commercialisation of this weekend leads many of us to think of chocolate before the real meaning behind Easter isn't it?

Sprout-sized food for thought:

The thought of an abundance of chocolate eggs reminded me of a more 'shameful' event in my life. ok, so it's not that bad but last Christmas I was the lead culprit in what has come to be known as 'After Eight-Gate.' You might guess what this is about but, if not, I'll elaborate. Christmas as it is for many, is a time when boxes of After eight mints start to turn up in the house. The intention is that one box lasts the whole Christmas period and we dip in and have one or two. But, as you can guess that's not what happened (and to be honest this never happens in our house). Instead, once the box is nicely nestling in the fridge, it becomes a default part of my route to making a cup of coffee. And the box doesn't last long. Resulting in the inevitable 'What's happened to the After Eights Dave?' question. That said, apart from rosy cheeks from embarrassment, and having to replace the box (several times over), I did have an interesting insight into enjoying my food. In this video I share a thought that you will no doubt relate to and a tip on how to manage not eating a full box of After Eights in one go (and if you have your own tip, do share - easter is here and I would also like to be better behaved next Christmas 😇 .

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Dave Algeo

Midlife Health and Weight Management Coach

Reclaim your Health, Life and Sense of Adventure in Midlife and Beyond

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer' It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com