FAQ How Does Not Focusing on Quality Help Me Achieve My Goals?


Do the Do Like Betty Boo

I want to encourage you to focus on 'doing the do, like Betty Boo. Instead of focusing on the quality of what you are doing (in relation to your health goal), focus on simply doing.

Ok, so that might seem very contrary to the philosophy of doing our best, doing small things exceptionally well, and aiming for excellence. I get those things and agree with the philosophy behind them. 'Be excellent!', as Bill and Ted kind of once said.

It Gets in the Way

But here's where that can stop us getting started. Here's where that can put us off continuing. When was the last time you set an intention to have a brilliant day of eating right? Only to knack (technical term) it up by having some left over Quality Street and After Eights for breakfast? When was the last time you sat down to meditate, and gave it up as a bad job because you couldn't actually empty your head and achieve a state of bliss? Or you went to the gym and felt so out of place you moved a couple of weights about, put the treadmill on for a few minutes and, feeling intimidated by the figure of perfection sprinting beside you, you sidled back out never to return?

Ditch Perfect

So, today - from today, I urge you to ditch perfect. Ditch doing it well. Ditch even doing it marginally competently. Aim for 'done.' Do that thing - that day of healthier eating, that workout, that walk, that meditation, that... whatever, for the sake of doing. Expect it to be, or at least feel, rubbish, and do it anyway. Do it even if you rush it, or cram it in, or can't give it the attention it deserves. Do it, so it's done. Nothing more.

In the video I develop this idea and explain why it is such a vital ingredient in getting habits embedded in your day to day life. I also touch upon how this relates to my own efforts in my chronicles below too. #weightmanagement #weightloss #weightlossjourney #coach #midlifecoach #midlifewomen #midlifemen

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer' It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com