FAQ How can I Improve my Focus and Motivation when it comes to weight loss efforts?


Focus, Factors and Feelings

I have been thinking about focus this week. Namely, how focused are we in our goals and how focused do we need to be? I got to thinking that focus is dependent on certain factors that may be present in our life and therefore impact how and what we focus on. How we feel about the focus and the factors is also critical.

I'll explain...

Sprout-sized food for thought:

I have a friend, let's call him Jack, who had for a few years been wanting to lose weight. Jack hadn't quite got things together in terms of working on it, but nevertheless wanted to lose it. It wasn't until a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes was received that it all changed. Suddenly there was a critical health factor to consider and this led to a focusing of the mind. Not in this case on weight loss directly, but more specifically on managing blood sugar levels as a priority, and losing weight secondarily. With it came strong feelings and emotions. The classic wake up call, but also a sense of renewed determination and a resolve to re-organise their life around the number one focus - managing blood sugar levels more healthily.

This combination led to a consistent and determined focus on eating more healthily, less processed foods and getting more natural foods into the diet. As a result, several years later Jack has lost a significant amount of weight, managed to create a diet lifestyle that balances out their blood sugars in a healthy way and is looking really well.

Now, whilst I am not advocating waiting for a significant health event to occur before taking action (I absolutely encourage the opposite!), I can see the value in bringing together of those three elements - focus, factors and feelings. In this video I give more about my thoughts on this and how to leverage this, as well as the importance of ensuring your 'focus' is rooted in the 'factors' and 'feelings.'challenge. #weightmanagement #weightloss #weightlossjourney #coach #midlifecoach #midlifewomen #midlifemen

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com