What is the Right Morning Routine for Me?


Are you A Diesel or Petrol Engine?

Much has been written about the power of a morning routine. And many people have tried them - some with great results, others no so and are left feeling despondent and wondering what is wrong with them if they can’t stick to it.

Here’s the thing, I’m a believer in the power of routine, ritual and habit. And morning routines can be really valuable. But, as with everything, it’s finding what works for you. In this video I ask, are you a petrol or diesel engine? How long does it take you to warm up and wake up on a morning?

I love the power of a good metaphor when coaching clients and sharing strategies and tools to manage midlife weight. During one conversation with a client we discussed morning routines and whether we ‘should’ have one.

Now I like the idea of having a ritual or routine that kick starts the day, but I’m more of an old diesel engine when it comes to getting started on a morning - it takes me a good hour to warm up and be ready to roll.

It got me thinking - some of us are more like the petrol engine - can get off and running immediately, whilst others might be more like me and need some time and space to wake up, loosen up and get moving.

So, for my morning routine, I choose to enjoy a coffee and some quiet time before I do anything.

What about you? Diesel or Petrol? Unlike the real version, there is no environmental concern here - it’s just knowing how to get the best from yourself. Let me know in the comments - diesel or petrol and what you like to do first thing upon waking.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com