How Can A Daily Act of Defiance Help With my Weight Loss?


What Could You Do Everyday?

It's been almost two years since I committed to a daily act of defiance. Now, I don't mean some for of activism or protest, or at least not in the external sense. I mean a small but significant habit or ritual that is a little uncomfortable but healthy, and small enough that I will do it anyway. In other words, I'll do it even when I don't feel like it or actively don't want to do it. For one or two of my clients, it's a commitment to taking ten minutes out from work - no matter how hectic the day is, or committing to a daily ten minute walk - no matter the weather.

But why?

Sprout-sized food for thought:

Well, regaining our health can seem like an insurmountable challenge in the face of work and life demands and our levels of tiredness and demotivation. And, if you have been in that position for any length of time you know just how that can play into the self-cabotage. That inner voice that is just looking for evidence to confirm just how useless you are and how pointless it is to even try.

That's where the daily act of defiance comes in. It needs to be something small enough that you will do it, but meaningful enough in terms f your wellbeing that you can point to it each day and say 'see.' 'See, i can do it.' 'See, I am capable of it.' 'See I have the determination to do this, so pipe down, self-cabotage and let me show you what I am really capable of.'

That one, small act of defiance to that inner voice, can be a powerful way to pry into your own psyche and feed in a little bit of positivity in the form of actual hard proof. But, it's been nearly two years since I embarked on my own daily act of defiance. Here's my update, the benefits for me, the set-backs, and why i am changing it up a little

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'