FAQ I'm overwhelmed, where do i start?


Remove the pressure

Have you had one of those days or weeks where you feel like it all comes on top and you just don't know where to start? Overwhelm - it is perfectly natural and can hit us at any time. Last week I travelled to York to deliver one of my sprout sessions. I had a train booked which was cancelled and thankfully i checked in enough time to dash into the car to drive down to York. But it set up a mini-cycle of panic and self-cabotage and I forgot my cuddly toys (if you know you know ;0 ). Now this could have spiralled out for the drive down, the delivery of the session and the rest of the day, week, month and year (seriously, I have been there). But, I have learned now to stop before things get going properly and take the appropriate action - step away, rescue breath, recognise the self-cabotage and focus on the one cabbage and one sprout-sized action to help bring things back. As I type this, I can see how trivial this all seems, but at the time - these sprout-sized incidents looked like massive cabbages. And that got me thinking about this in the context of making a start on getting our health back under control. How often have you known that you should (remember last week's thought), do something but you are juggling so many cabbages you just can't seem to find a way to get started? It can seem like an insurmountable cabbage-sized challenge can't it? Sprout-sized food for thought: The first hurdle to overcome when setting out on reshaping your midlife health can be answering that question 'where do I start?' The juggling of the demands and challenges of life and work coupled with the thoughts and feelings that come with the realisation that health has drifted in the wrong direction, can lead to overwhelm and not knowing where to start. In Ep79 I explore this in more depth. In this short taster from the podcast I share an approach and provide some reassurance when it comes to concerns about getting off to the 'right' start.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com