FAQ Can Walking Really Help Improve My Health?


Walking (MOving) Your Way Back to the gym

In Episode 84 of the Restless Midlifer podcast my guest was Duncan O'Brien and I thought it really worth emphasising something he spoke about in relation to getting back into fitness. I think as we near the end of the year and a time when many of us will set out plans to achieve particular health goals, we can overlook the basics and the need to build a good foundation for our health and weight management. So... I asked Duncan to elaborate on a phrase he said to me several years ago when we first met at a networking event. The phrase was 'we need to walk our way back to the gym' or an alternative might be 'to earn our way back to the gym. This captured my attention at the time as it seemed so out of character with my perception of how a PT (personal trainer) would go about working with clients. I had this impression that their job was to beast you until you either got fit, or got sick and gave up. I've since learned that that is absolutely not the truth when it comes to the better PT's, but Duncan was the first in my world at the time that opened me up to this.

The short video is a snippet in which he explains his thinking and the importance of building a good foundation upon which we can then build and improve in other areas - cardiovascular, muscle, strength, etc. And, given it is the new year ahead, I think this is something we can all do now and get that foundation building underway - it doesn't have to take a lot of time, or intensity. it is a great way to build our confidence and our sense of connection with out body - I don't know about you, but that is something I have come to realise. I spent so many years in my head and very little in my body (being aware of it and the signals it was giving me). So, take time to watch the video and then consider how you can increase your lower level movement - walking, moving around in whatever fashion suits you - but just doing it more and more often - perhaps it could be your daily act of defiance. Try doing at least ten minutes more than you already do. And you will already be walking (moving) your way to a great start on your new year's health resolution. #weightmanagement #weightloss #weightlossjourney #coach #midlifecoach #midlifewomen #midlifemen

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'dave@restlessmidlifer.com