MidLife Health and Weight Loss; Where Do I Start?

The Surprising Answer to Moving Past Overwhelm and getting Started

The Restless Midlifer : Episode 79

It’s episode 79. Ever felt overwhelmed at the prospect of getting started with a health or weight loss goal? Dave shares his approach to supporting midlifers in overcoming the overwhelm and making a start.

Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, is rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here https://youtu.be/OZM4ObMSu6U to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

Visit https://www.midlifereshape.com/podcast or search for 'Restless Midlifer' in your favourite podcast feed. To find out more about the podcast, and episode show notes visit https://www.midlifereshape.com/podcast Drop Dave a line at dave@restlessmidlifer.com to ask questions, offer feedback or suggestions for future podcast content.

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