Changing Lifetime Behaviours Habit by Habit - Interview with Jen Wilson

The Restless Midlifer : Episode 81

Health Kerplunk - Protecting Our Health and Weight Loss Efforts

In this week's episode, Dave shares a visual to illustrate the power of small daily rituals and habits in supporting our health - Health kerplunk. Dave is also joined by Jen Wilson, an advanced PT with years of experience supporting behaviour change in smoking cessation, weight management and now regaining health and fitness through physical exercise and nutrition change. in the Interview Jen shares tips and ideas on how to achieve sustainable change and explains beautifully why resistance training should be part of the health mix for all midlifers, especially women.

Jen first developed a passion for health and wellbeing through her own personal success of losing over 4 stone, which triggered her to pursue a career in health and fitness to help others do the same. Jen now has over 16 years’ experience working for both the NHS and private health sector.

As Senior Personal Trainer, Jen is trained to a high level in helping people with mobility issues and use advanced programming techniques. This means she can help anyone, whether it be a total gym newbie, or an athlete working towards a match/event, achieve any goal and use movement screening with form correction to help you move not just right, but well. Jen also specialises in plant-based sports nutrition.

An area of interest for Jen is helping women through all stages of life in feeling amazing and has specialised in being able to help women during times of hormonal change, e.g. menopause, ante/post-natal nutrition and fitness.

You can connect with Jen via her email -

Dave's approach to making changes in life, health and direction, is rooted in his 'sprout sweater philosophy. Check out his 'Crackerjack' video here to learn more about the basic metaphor. Check out episodes 30 and 31 to learn more about Dave's approach.

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