Posts in podcast
Sleep - Getting the Basics Right

This episode Dave shares his 'Three Zzzed's Sleep Improvement Strategy' and provides some tips on getting a better night's sleep. Hop on over to to access Dave's 'Operation Snooze - Sleep Audio Course' for free. Sleep can often be the first thing to go out of the window but there are things we can do to get a better night's sleep.

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How We Think and Behave: The Power of Scripts and Schema

This episode is a 'Big Sweat' interview and Dave is joined by Dr Simon Raybould, former research scientist who now specialises in helping people have more impact in life and work. In the episode we explore how the mind works and why it relies on 'schema' and 'scripts' to automate much of our thinking and behaving. More importantly, how can we use this knowledge to tap into our brain and shift our thinking and behaviour to support our goal striving.

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Where To Start? Moving Past Overwhelm

This episode Dave explores how to manage ourselves through and beyond overwhelm. Have you ever experienced that sense of panic, freeze, anger, or inability to focus or get done what needs to be done? If so, listen to this episode where Dave shares an approach to help you tackle the most overwhelming demands, break them down and move forward.

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Is it on your Mind?

This episode Dave explores the concept of overwhelm form the perspective of 'what is on your mind - has your mind.' Dave shares his Crackerjack and Cabbages metaphor and an approach to dealing with 'cabbage overload' - feeling overwhelmed by all the demands of life and work - the stuff that is on your mind.

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What Are You Doing It For?

This episode Dave explores the 'why.' Why are you doing it all? Working so hard, gaining those qualifications, experience and experiences? Does it contribute to a bigger purpose or are you seeking to bolster your self-esteem? Dave explores how the latter can lead to a never ending process of accumulating titles, accolades, etc leading to a great resume, but perhaps not so great for the eulogy. And how can you find a different way of living - by committing to a way of living - being whilst you are doing.

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Do Something You Hate Everyday

Join Dave Algeo aboard "Sprout 1" and take another journey into your inner world where mind, meaning and metaphor collide. This episode Dave challenges you to identify a small habit, exercise, activity or 'chore' - something you hate doing, but one which would be a benefit in you day to day life. He explains why, giving an example from his own life - his 60 burpees a day challenge, and shares how small habits repeated daily - even when you don't want to do them - can have an impact in ways you may not expect.

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Mid-Life Crisis Mis-management

In the third journey (episode) of the podcast, Dave welcomes you aboard the ‘Sprout 1’ for another trip into metaphor, meaning and the mind. This week Dave builds upon last week’s episode ‘Scheduled for Destruction’ explores how the so called ‘mid-life crisis’ as well as becoming a bit of a cliché, is something that can happen at any time in your life. And, is it always a crisis?

Dave shares tips on how to handle the underlying feelings and distress in a more positive way, thus avoiding the more destructive aspects of the phenomenon.

If you have ever felt lost, crushed or trapped by life and have experienced what some might call the ‘mid-life crisis’ then this episode is for you.

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Scheduled For Destruction

In the second journey (episode) of the podcast, Dave welcomes you aboard the ‘Sprout 1’ for another trip into metaphor, meaning and the mind. This week Dave explores the unsettling feelings of realising that you may not be living the life you had planned to live. Life can drift and we can get side-tracked or lose sight of some of those early-life dreams. If you have ever felt lost, crushed or trapped by life and have experienced what some might call the ‘mid-life crisis’ then this episode is for you.

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Permission To Be Human

In this, the first episode of the Sprout Sweater podcast, Dave dives into the stories we tell ourselves - about the world and in order to make sense of the world. He asks you to give yourself 'permission to be human' and explores how this relates to those stories (our inner narratives). He also provides some 'homework' (or food for thought) for the week ahead - something which will help you to start to be more aware of those inner narratives in a bid to identify those stories that are more problematic for our wellbeing.

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