Spirit Overdraft?

daily sprout 449

In today's daily sprout , I remind you worriers out there the cost of constant worrying can be pretty high.  And take heart, whilst I don't share tips in this video, I do elsewhere (check out my how to page) and believe you can change your mindset.

Todays' daily sprout  transcript:

"Worry bankrupts the spirit," Berri Clove

Spirit overdraft. It's true, isn't it? If we worry so much for so long, it drains us, and it doesn't just drain us, it overdraws. It draws more from us than we'll ever claim back. And if we keep worrying, if we keep draining that account, we won't just get overdrawn, we'll go backward. So stop the worrying. Recognise that it's sacrificing, that it's taking far more than just thinking time.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.

Dave Algeo,
Stress(ed) Guru Speaker, trainer and 'Men's Burnout+ Coach (coaching from burnout to break-through)
Helping you create success with (not at the expense of) wellbeing.