Having an Unhappy Moment?

daily sprout 465

Todays' daily sprout  transcript:

So, you're having a lot of unhappy moments in your day.

Yesterday I spoke about building more happy moments into your day and that's important because it's often those that are the antidote to the unhappy moments.

We all have them, we all have bad times, an unexpected bit of bad news, a comment from somebody that upsets you. Two things if you have an unhappy moment, notice it and if you can, work to eliminate or reduce those unhappy moments. If there's particular situations, environments or people, reduce your exposure so you have less of those unhappy moments, so long as there's not a consequence on your work or your career or on life.

The other side is when you have an unhappy moment, use it as a time to appreciate the positives you do have 'cause often what we do is focus on that unhappy moment and how bad that is and forget that we have lots of other things to be happy about, lots of other sprout-sized things to be positive about.

So, use it as a moment of appreciation.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'