Put Stress In A Box

daily sprout 476

Todays' daily sprout  transcript:

Put stress in a box.

When something is really stressing you out, why not just try this simple little tactic. Get it out of your head, write it down on a post-it note or a piece of paper and just, put it in a box. And the purpose of that is not to ignore it, not to avoid taking action, do what you need to do. But, in six months time, in 12 months time, come back to this box and just have a look at those notes.

Have a look at what you wrote down, what you were stressing about, what was worrying you and just see, what your thoughts are now. Chances are, they're long forgotten. It's a useful way of putting it out of your mind and also then learning later, that it was possibly not something you needed to be stressing about as much in the first place.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'