Final Daily Sprout

daily sprout 500

Today's daily sprout  transcript:

- It's the end, but not really. Well, we're at 500 Daily Sprouts, and this is my point where I complete and finish. The Daily Sprout is no more.

But here's the thing. It's been a mammoth effort, it's been a lot of planning, a lot of support from Steve, behind the camera, from Gudrun, who's helped me with a lot of preparing, and organising, and writing of these Daily Sprouts. It's been a lot of effort.

Do you know what the temptation is, though? It's for me to skip forward to the next thing. To the Man Sprout Project and focus on what I'm gonna do next.

But why don't I take a bit moment just to celebrate, to enjoy and appreciate what I've achieved? And that's not to be bragging or big headed, sometimes we're conditioned to think that's the case.

But what I want you to think about for this last four days, when was the last time you actually stopped and appreciated a significant achievement? Even a small achievement? Something where you've done something successful, and it's taken a bit of effort. When was the last time you stopped, and appreciated, and celebrated that fact? Patted yourself on the back, rather than moved on to the next challenge. It's so important to appreciate the successes and achievements right now. Otherwise you might never get around to it.

Thank you for those of you who stuck with me for the 500 Daily Sprouts. If you managed to watch all of them then spot on and well done. If you haven't, they're there on the YouTube channel, my Facebook page, go back, join in, and thank you for your support, and all the best.

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'