The Weekly Radish Podcast is doomed!

The Weekly Radish - Episode Zero

the weekly radish podcast aimed at improving wellbeing

The weekly radish podcast was my first serious attempt at launching a regular podcast.  I managed about four episodes whilst also launching the Man Sprouts Movement and the Man Sprouts podcast (focused as the name suggests on men and their mental health and personal development).

I quickly realised that I had taken on (as I often find myself doing) too much.  So, I made a decision to quit the weekly radish podcast to focus on Man Sprouts and other projects.  If you are like me you might find yourself attracted to shiny new ideas and projects and, as a result, find yourself easily swamped.

That's why the adage 'quitters Never win and winners never quit' or something lke that, is complete rubbish.  It is not just ok to quit some things, it is vital when you find you have overloaded yourself. Yes, the trick is to learn not to take things on in the first place, and I have.  But, as a human being, I still do things I later regard as well intentioned but stupid.  

I have learned not to beat myself up about these things.  i have simply learned to refocus on my priorities, make the decision to quit or continue quickly, then get on with it.

Hence, the fact that I quickly quashed the weekly radish podcast once I realised it was too much and it was distracting from my core aims.

That said, I do feel, it worth sharing those episodes I did actually create via my blog page here.  There is some great stuff in the episodes - all intended to support you in developing your own resilience and, more specifically, focusing on developing your self-care routines.

So, without further ado, i share Episode 000, of the weekly radish podcast in which I give you the context and background for the soon to be doomed podcast.  


Show Notes...

In the show, I discuss why I have launched the podcast - why I believe that achieving success in life (however, we define it), need not be at the expense of our wellbeing.  I provide some of my own story to illustrate why this is so important to me, and hopefully you.  I also provide details of what you can expect in each show over the coming weeks.

Some regular contributors to the show mentioned in this episode are:

Liane Collins, Silverlead Counselling -

Duncan O'Brien, Personal Trainer - 

Keep an eye out for the next blog.


Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'