A surprising and scary result

MidLifer Chronicles 9

How Did that Happen??

Well, it seems that Mark and I have only gone and qualified through to the finals of the Northern Championship CrossFit competition in our category (scaled male). I'm a bit (read 'a lot') stunned actually, and now realise that what started out as a challenging but fun experience is now a very 'out of my comfort zone' public experience.

The competition finals will spread across two days, although our category will compete on day 1 and I only have from now until Saturday 4th February to get some training in. Yikes!

Did I write in a recent chronicle just how an out of reach challenge can be good for us? Erm, yes and now I'm thinking I might take that back, delete the blog and pretend I didn't say it. Part of me just wants to curl back up in my comfort zone and wait for this nonsense to blow over.

But you know what? As well as being a little bit terrified at the prospect of competing in an arena in front of a bunch of people, part of me feels excited and really wants to do it. Strange that really isn't it? How we can be a bag of conflicting emotions and thoughts. Well maybe not so strange. After all, that's the human condition isn't it?

Now What?

So, what now? What's my job? First to move past the panic and embrace that sense of excitement. Second, manage that excitement combined with panic and ensure I don't do anything silly between now and the competition, like over training or pushing myself too much.

Which brings me to the next critical step, to get some advice. I have briefly spoken to Mark and we are going to talk in a bit more detail about what I need to be doing to train for the competition. I think the focus will be on improving my fitness, and strength - but being realistic in what can be achieved in 8 weeks, and focusing very much on technique (there are various exercises to prepare for) and teamwork. We will be competing as a duo, and if the qualifiers are anything to go by, how well we work as a team will be critical.

So, having had that brief chat, I feel more balanced. Nervous and excited. But in reality, I am so up for it!

It also has an interesting side effect too.

Christmas is coming and what was, in my mind, a blob of about 10 days where nothing much would be done, has crystalised into a few days of celebration, surrounded by other days of moderation and training. And I don't feel robbed by that. In fact I feel positive and as if I will be making better use of the downtime over Christmas than I have in the past. I will enjoy the food and drink but will keep it in its place.

It's interesting how setting a challenge can help to reframe day to day actions. I am now viewing January as a continuation rather than a fresh start. That's very much in line with my thinking and writing over the last few weeks and months - 'don't wait until 1st January - start now, start small and soft.' And I can now see this in a different way.

What Goal?

So, my question to you is, what could you set yourself as that shorter term goal that would mean you need to start now? Gradually and incrementally improving, but doing so now and not putting it off? Let me know your thoughts.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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