Lots of tweaking going on

MidLifer Chronicles 10

The News Sinks In

The news of our surprise qualification through to the Northern Championship finals has sunk in a little more. After a chat with partner in crossfit crime Mark, I am now less panicky, and more excited. I now see that, rather than adding in loads more to my training to get ready for the final, I need to simply stay the course. Remain consistent in what I am already doing and be guided by the coaches during the sessions as to what I could focus on to help towards the competition. That might be strength or skill focus or plain old endurance at intensity.

That realisation that I need do nothing more than I am already doing in terms of effort is counter to my natural 'all or nothing' instincts. But it makes sense. I am prone to over-doing it if not careful and that is one of the reasons the planned Crossfit sessions have been so useful. They help contain that tendency.

So I have been thinking about what I need to tweak, rather than what I need to add in. And this ties in with my recent health-check results. They confirm that the consistent work I have already been doing is paying off. Not just in weight loss, but in other important health markers like cholesterol and liver function, etc. I am moving them in a positive direction.

Whilst the work isn't done and I still want to move them further to the positive, it strikes me that I need do nothing more than I am already doing. A few tweaks here and there will greatly help.

The Work Isn’t Done

So, following my interview with Dave Armstrong (episode 88), I am looking at where I can tweak what I am already doing in my diet in particular. He mentioned that prior to his heart attack his cholesterol was high and he has since focused on the amount of saturated fat he takes in. That led us to some simple things he does to monitor his own intake. He has switched out his normal biscuits for Rich Teas - very low in sat fat, and moved away from the cheesy pasta sauces. He doesn't live like a saint, but that coupled with reducing his alcohol intake (something I have been doing over the last year), he has moved his cholesterol down to much lower levels.

So, my plan is to make those small changes which will impact that side of my diet and not pose a great strain - I like Rich Teas - and to be honest it's the act of nursing a cup of tea and dunking them that I love as much as it is the taste. I am also switching to skimmed milk - after years of semi-skimmed this won't be a drama and I'll look for other opportunities. I am buoyed by the direction of travel for my health, but not complacent. It still needs work and attention.

So, for 2023, what could you do to tune into where your health is at and what small changes can you make right now to start your own journey to better health?

You can do this. Sweat the right sprout-sized habits, rituals and routines and improve your health for midlife and beyond!

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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