Singular Focus? Hmmm...

MidLifer Chronicles 14

Training Continues

My training continues and I am now into my penultimate week before the competition. I admit I am getting more nervous, but Mark (my partner in the competition) and I met up on Saturday to go through some team tactics and to work on some of the activities that might pop up and might require synchronisation - including a heavy long sandbag called 'the worm.' Boy is that thing heavy! We ran through a number of different moves and the commands that would co-ordinate our efforts and I feel a lot better. Particularly since Mark had me holding the front of the worm meaning he took on more of the weight. He's a good egg.

Where is my Focus?

One thing that has occurred to me as the competition looms is how my focus has shifted from 'Operation De-Moob' (losing that weight to shed the man boobs), to getting through the competition.

It's interesting because one might think that it wouldn't actually matter. After all, I am training hard so it must be helping towards the Op De-Moob intentions? Well yes and no. I am training harder, but I am also eating to maintain the training intensity.

Don't get me wrong, I am not being very scientific about it. I am roughly (very) tracking my protein intake but other than that just eating without overly restricting the volume of my food. That means I have energy for the training but my weight is remaining static.

Ok, so that's not an issue, once the competition is over I can return to a focus on the weight reduction.

But this did get me thinking.

Aligning the Actions with the Goal

It's important to ensure that what we actually do, and what mini-goals we set (like the competition), do actually properly align with the overarching goal. I remember years ago when I agreed with my mate Stu Powell to cycle Lands End to John O Groats (2010), thinking it would be a great way to lose weight. And if not for the truck load of flap jacks consumed on the challenge, that would have been the case. Again, a short-term goal that didn't contribute to the overall aim - losing the weight. There was more to that period in my life than choosing a gruelling cycle ride to help achieve my weight loss goal, to be fair. At that time, I was very much in the short-term, do extreme things, then snap back into old habits way of living. It was chaotic and didn't get me anywhere.

The point of this, however, is to consider the importance of having one goal at a time. And ensuring that the actions and mini goals, or routines contribute to that.

Otherwise it's like setting off on a journey with one destination in mind, and then constantly taking detours along the way. I may actually get there, but how much longer will it take me? And how much fuel will I use along the way?

My intention therefore, is to revisit the idea of 'singular focus.' Not in an obsessive kind of way. But it is important to ensure I maintain a clear focus on a clear goal and weigh up my decisions against that goal in a considered way rather than impulsively thinking 'oh that'll be interesting or fun, etc'

Nothing’s Wasted

Don't get me wrong, the training for this competition is not wasted and I am excited as well as nervous to experience it. But I know that once that is out of the way, I need to return to the primary goal - 'Op De-Moob'. And the way I achieve it is to shed that final stone of weight. Continue training? Absolutely, but I need to get back to eating in a sustainable energy in-out imbalance. Nothing extreme (that is not sustainable), but something manageable and consistent.

I can do that. I know how to do that. It's the sprout-sweater way. I just need to ensure I don't drift or get caught up with another shiny object or experience.

My question this week is, if you were to have one health goal - what is it? How can you define it clearly enough to inform your decisions about what you need to do to achieve it? And then how can you keep it as a focus so you don't get distracted with other ideas, thoughts or challenges?

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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