And the next thing is?

MidLifer Chronicles 15

Nerves or Excitement?

Just over three days to the comp and nerves are definitely there. I have received notification of the order and times of the workouts for my 'wave' and it's an all day thing with five workouts spread across the day. Five! Yikes! What if I cramp up or burnout! *$*t's just got real!

Well, after a few moments of panic I decided to get some words of wisdom from partner Mark who is a bit of a competition veteran. I've also spoken to a few people who have experienced competitions and the overwhelming message is - 'you'll enjoy it. Just soak up the atmosphere.'

That's great advice. I am not competing at high level and haven't shaped my life around this 'one moment'. It's an experience forming part of my own health improvement journey and I can lighten up about it. So I am - I've done what I can to prepare and now it's time to feel the excitement.

Moving on to the next thing

A funny additional thing though is that I am also looking at what's next. What is the next thing coming along? I am already planning out my marathon training and thinking about how that will fit into the day to day routines. The Kielder marathon is in October so there's no huge rush but I'm already moving onto that in my head too.

That got me thinking. I am very good at focusing on the thing ahead, or the next thing, and can easily forget to appreciate the here and now and this thing right in front of me.

That's something that is a learned behaviour for me. In a bid to block out the here and now, which was not where I wanted to be or I was not the right look, weight, shape or whatever, I would spend a lot of my time dreaming of what things will be like when... I get there, reach that weight, etc, etc.

And it was very comforting and seductive. It meant I could step away from the uncomfortable and painful feelings and thoughts that the here and now presented to me. It also meant I could avoid actually doing anything about it. Or more accurately, do something more consistent and sustainable which would mean staying in the present and uncomfortable for longer periods of time.

The ‘Future Thinking’ Habit

So I developed the habit of future thinking. Being in the future in my head. Always looking forward. Never really appreciating the here and now. Ok, so there might be good reasons for that - avoiding the pain. But sometimes (a lot more of the time than I have allowed), that pain needs to be experienced and processed. AND, it also means I never really learned how to enjoy the moment here and now too.

So busy looking ahead, that I don't absorb the whole experience of here and now - good and not so good.

That's been a biggie for me over the years and I am getting better at it.

But as Saturday approaches, I am set on bringing my head back from the next thing and being here now. It'll be tough on Saturday, but it will be fun. I know this. Crossfit is challenging but it is a wonderful community too. And these competitions are a celebration of that as much as who wins what.

Practising Present

So, I am practicing being here now and focusing on that this week. And maybe the next. Oh, and maybe the one after that too!

My question this week is, what is happening here and now, or in the next few days, that you could make a point of being more present with. What could you focus on experiencing and absorbing, rather than sailing on by with nothing but a glance?

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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