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MidLifer Chronicles 16

A Bit of a Blur

So, it's Monday and the weekend is a bit of a blur. I had a reasonable sleep on Friday night, although did find myself waking up a number of times and realising I was dreaming about burpees and rowing machines.

That said, as Saturday morning arrived, I woke early, had a big bowl of porridge and got myself ready for the competition. We had to arrive early (around 745am ish) for the athlete briefing. It was a bit strange to think of myself as an athlete - but heck it's one day - I'll let it slide.

The nerves really got me as I drove into the arena car park and never really left until the first event was done and dusted.

I won't detail the day blow-by-blow, but if you are interested in getting a taster of the day, check out this short video compilation with some photos, action and the workout details.

Overall, the day was exhausting but a lot of fun and I did make a point of enjoying the experience. Sometimes the nerves got the better of me but I found I could absorb the atmosphere too.

A Hot Bath

And this brings me to a couple of things I don't normally do. When we got home, I had a hot bath. I'm a shower guy, so this was a real treat and it felt wonderful. I had a beer and sat in the bath and soaked. Guilt free! Lovely. it made me realise that as much as I teach self-care and do practice it, I can easily forget to really indulge and enjoy. So - more of that in the future!

Sunday came and I felt pretty good. Not too many aches and pains although definitely tired. So a day of pottering was in order. I like to potter about, sorting minor life admin things and just getting organised. Nothing too challenging, but it felt good to square things off for the week ahead.

Inevitably my mind drifted to the 'what's next' question. And I allowed myself to think about the next goal and challenge.

The Next Thing

So, here's where I am at with my thinking. I have the Kielder Marathon in October to train for but am going to start next week. I'm taking an easy week this week. I'll head into Crossfit a couple of times, but aim to go light and loosen things off. And then I'll build into my 20 week marathon training plan. I got this from the Washington running Club of which I am a recent member, so I have a good structure to work to.

I am also returning to focus on my 'Operation De-Moob.' There's a couple of reasons for this. The first is - it needs to be achieved. The second; things have slowed to a halt as I've found myself more focused on the competition training. Yes that has meant my strength and fitness have definitely benefited. But, the weight has stagnated and with the pressure of doing well at the competition now off, I am returning to the idea of 'singular focus.' Focusing on one goal and not overly-complicating things.

So, over the coming weeks here and in the podcast I am going to document my re-focus and progress. I am also going to pick Mark's brains too. He has a great PT background and some great ideas regarding eating better (which is where the real weight loss will be achieved) whilst juggling a hectic life.

That's it for this week. I'm making sure I appreciate the experience of Saturday whilst also identifying things I can learn and deciding on what I need to do to achieve 'Op De-Moob.'

My question this week is a seemingly simple one. How are you doing? How is your year so far? If it's great - appreciate it! If not as on track as you'd like, appreciate where it is and what's good about it and identify one small but significant thing you can do to shift you back on course.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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