Recognising Approaching Burnout

MidLifer Chronicles 21

Yet Another Injury!

I've had to take a step back from the level of training I have been doing and no it wasn't as a result of some inner wisdom, it was as a result of another small injury. This time to my left calf as I did some skipping at Crossfit yesterday. I felt it twang a little as I jumped up and down and then knew I needed to stop. I completed the workout by switching the ropes for the bike and managed to continue but I had that old feeling of 'come on Dave man, you knew this was coming.'

The truth is I did. I've felt tired this last couple of weeks. Really tired. And now carrying a wrist injury that is slowly healing and a sore calf, I can look back and join the dots. I've trained pretty intensely up to the competition and then carried on past that, thinking I was ok to keep going.

Rest is Essential

The reality is, rest is an essential part of the process. I work with clients on this and it's ironic that I can forget to apply it myself.

That said, I am now making rest a focus. I'll tone down the intensity of exercise when I do go to the gym too. My marathon training doesn't officially need to start until April so i can afford a few weeks of taking it easier.

Here's where the question 'I know what to do, so why don't I do it,' comes in for me. I know this stuff. I know what to look for and what I need to pay attention to. And yet I didn't. Again.

But instead of beating myself up about it, I am moving on. I have learned and will refocus on what to do about it rather than continuing the beat myself up. And that's the key to this. We are all human. We all get wrapped up in life and work and the pressures we put on ourselves not to mention in my case that sneaky superman syndrome I can adopt when things are going well ('I can do this! I can do anything!').


It's vital to refocus when I spot the self-sabotage or the earlier warning signs of tiredness and erratic eating (which now looking back, was so obvious).

My focus then is to revisit 'Op DeMoob' - and prioritise the 'Rest' and 'Eat' elements and tone down the exercise. Allow my batteries to recharge and then focus on the marathon training from April.

This is the work. This is what it's about. We can all have goals and dreams and even a great plan. But it only happens when we get stuck into the mess and chaos of life.

Accepting it will be messy is the first part. Not beating ourselves up for being useless at coping with the mess and staying perfectly on track is the next, and then flexing the plan to meet the reality of life the final part. Oh, and taking action too, obviously ;0

My question this week is; How are your energy levels? Check in and look for the signs that your energy is good or not so good. Instead of then denying the reality or beating yourself up for it, get real. Make changes and recharge those batteries. Self-care is neither selfish nor soft. It is pragmatic and essential.

Find Out More

In the meantime, check out the podcast to check out the episodes and if you want to learn more about the support I offer in relation to helping you achieve your health and weight loss goals sustainably, visit the Academy or learn more about my more intensive Re-Shape Accelerator programmes, designed to help you to get your health back on track and establish lifelong habits for a more fulfilling midlife.

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Dave Algeo, Restless Mid-Lifer
'It is never too late to get life back on your terms and have even bigger adventures!'

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